Project: InaSAFE

Version: 4.2.0

Feature: Added ability to override templates

Until prior releases of InaSAFE 4.x, there was not an easy way to modify the templates used to produce map reports in InaSAFE. With InaSAFE 4.2 we have added a system of template overrides which work in the following manner:

The master templates are found in the InaSAFE plugin directory under "resources/qgis-composer-templates/". If you make a copy of the reports in that folder your "(home)/.qgis2/inasafe" directory, you can edit this copy and override the default layout and content options provided by InaSAFE. See also the manual for details about expressions and composer elements that you can use in your reports. In addition to this basic override mechanism, you can provide hazard / exposure specific variants of this template by using a standard path and naming conventions. For example:



  • (home) is replaced by the path to your home directory,
  • (hazard) by the class of hazard,
  • and (exposure) by the class of exposure).

You can find a list of which reports support template overrides in the user manual here.

With this new system you can now make reports that are specific to hazards and exposure types for your organisation. The video provided below gives a walk-through of the new functionality described here (as well as showing how expressions and project variables are made available).

This feature was funded by DFAT/DMI

This feature was developed by Kartoza