Project: InaSAFE

Version: 3.4.0

Feature: Working with your own data

In InSAFE 3.3 and below we expected that your data for road and building types should be in classes that matched InaSAFE's internal building type definitions. This worked well when using data downloaded from the InaSAFE OpenStreetMap downloader and less well when you used data obtained from other sources. In InaSAFE 3.4 we have addressed this issue by allowing you to create your own concept mappings when using the keywords wizard as illustrated in the animation below:

These concept mappings will then be used for the building type breakdown / road type breakdown reporting in InaSAFE. Any buildings or roads encountered that do not match one of these classes will be counted in a generic 'other' class when the report is compiled.

This feature was funded by DFAT/DMInnovation