Project: InaSAFE

Version: 3.2.0

Feature: Known issues for 3.2 release

InaSAFE is a work in progress. We are trying to make the best and most robust software possible, whilst still making regular incremental improvements available to you our beloved user. The following issues should be borne in mind whilst using InaSAFE 3.2:

  • In some cases the reported numbers for the entire analysis may differ from aggregation totals due to the fact that the entire analysis may include data not covered by any aggregation area.
  • In some cases the report table may be truncated if it includes too many categories to fit within the width of the page. We are working on ways to resolve this issue in the future by for example, reducing the number of classes reported on, presenting data in other ways such as charts / infographics etc.
  • Keywords created in older versions of InaSAFE will not be compatible with InaSAFE 3.2 - you will need to recreate your keywords using the keyword wizard.
  • On the fly reprojection of data is not yet reliable / usable.
  • Some Impact Functions make use of interpolation to determine e.g. the flooded status of a building. This interpolation may make the results difficult to interpret in some cases. For example, a building may be marked as flooded on the map even though it appears to not be overlaying a flooded data cell in the flood raster.
  • Map legends do not remove outliers. In some cases a single high value pixel (e.g. number of people affected by flood in a cell) may cause the scaling of the legend to be skewed in a way that makes it difficult to discern localised minima / maxima.