Project: QGIS

Version: 3.6.0

Feature: New Expression Functions

  • force_rhr: forces polygons to follow the right hand rule, in which the area that is bounded by a polygon is to the right of the boundary. In particular, the exterior ring is oriented in a clockwise direction and the interior rings in a counter-clockwise direction.
  • decode_uri: takes a layer parameter and an optional uri part parameter. It will return details about the data source of the layer. The available details depend on the data provider. If called with only a layer parameter, a map will be returned with all the available information. If the part is also specified, only the value for the requested part will be extracted from the map.
  • path has been added as an option for the layer_property expression function
  • array_sort: sorts an array of elements
  • nullif
  • sqlite_fetch_and_increment
  • make_rectangle_3points: Make a rectangle from 3 points. There is two options for make the rectangle by the distance or a projection. Option distance: Second distance is equal to the distance between 2nd and 3rd point. Option projected: Second distance is equal to the distance of the perpendicular projection of the 3rd point on the segment or its extension.
  • make_square: Creates a square from a diagonal.
  • from_json
  • to_json