Project: QGIS

Changelog for version: 3.12

Release date: 12 February, 2012

This release brings a host of great new features and bug fixes.

Sustaining members for QGIS version 3.12

Medium : 3000 EUR

Land Vorarlberg

Land Vorarlberg

User Interface

Feature: Deselecting tables when adding PostgreSQL data after add button is clicked.

When adding PostgreSQL data in Data Source Manager after pressing the add button QGIS should deselect previously selected tables.

This feature was funded by Kartoza

This feature was developed by Samweli Mwakisambwe


Feature: Search Tags for Functions

Tags on static expression functions to make them more retrievable. Functions like array_to_string are listed when the user enters "split" or "convert" or - like before - a part of the function name.

This feature was funded by LADM Columbia / bsf swissphoto

This feature was developed by David Signer (

Feature: List Referenced Layer Values

When a field is a RelationReference, ValueRelation and ValueMap, there is the possibility not only to show the values of the current layer but also the possible values in the referenced layer / configured possibilities.

This feature was funded by LADM Columbia / bsf swissphoto

This feature was developed by David Signer (


Feature: Edit Invalid Attributes on Copy/Paste to Another Layer

On copy-paste features from one layer to another, in case there are constraints (e.g. not null) on the destination layer, that cannot bee fulfilled automatically by default values, a dialog pops up to fix the invalid attributes or disregard the constraints on purpose.

This feature was funded by Amt für Wald und Wild Zug

This feature was developed by David Signer (

Data Management

Feature: DXF Export Improvements

We did a revamp of the DXF export process. This solidifies the export process and offers new features.

  • Styles of geometries are exported and blocks are used
  • The Z coordinate of 3D geometries are preserved
  • Labels are exported with their anchor points and horizonal and vertical alignment or quadrant settings respected

The whole DXF export process has also been made ready for running in a thread. With this in place, it's now only one step away from being sent to the background, allow cancellation of an ongoing export process or being exposed as a processing algorithm.

This feature was funded by Kanton Schaffhausen

This feature was developed by Matthias Kuhn (


Feature: Package new layers to existing GeoPackage

We improved the existing package layers processing algorithm to be able to add new layers to existing GeoPackages. All you need to do to make use of this is disable the OVERWRITE parameter and specify an existing GeoPackage.

This feature was funded by BikePlan

This feature was developed by Matthias Kuhn (

Data Providers

Feature: Changed WMTS layer collection icon

This was a change of the icon used for WMTS layer collection item, a database schema was used instead of a WMTS related icon. A general WMS icon is now used.

This feature was funded by Kartoza

This feature was developed by Samweli Mwakisambwe

Feature: Added Metadata URL property in the layer metadata tab for WMS / WMTS and WCS services

This feature was funded by Kartoza

This feature was developed by Samweli Mwakisambwe

Feature: Fetch and show dimensions metadata for a WMS layer metadata

This feature was funded by Kartoza

This feature was developed by Samweli Mwakisambwe

Feature: Added refresh action to OGC services entries

This feature was funded by Kartoza

This feature was developed by Samweli Mwakisambwe